living intuitively
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The Nativist Podcast

Less Sweet More Heart


Do you equate being sweet with being a good person? Do you ever say yes when you want to say no? Do you ever strategically place exclamation points to appear nice and upbeat? Do you ever say you'd love to make plans when you really wouldn't? Do you ever feel like you give give give while others take? Do you find yourself feeling resentful, or passive aggressive?

In this episode I talk about how sweetness can be misleading and even damaging, particularly when it stems from fear and anxiety rather than authenticity and values.

I discuss how it can be problematic and limiting. I offer guidance on living more authentically and kindly without being aggressive or sacrificing yourself to sweetness. This will nurture respect and deepen connections, in relation to yourself and others.

Find me on Instagram @the_nativist


The Instagram post I reference in the episode is:


Whitney Richardson