living intuitively
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The Nativist Podcast

Posts tagged self trust
Defusing the F-Bomb: What Feminism Actually Is

Feminism gets a bad rap, and is clouded by myths and misunderstandings. I’m here to [possibly] change your understanding, not your mind. This episode aims to clarify and illuminate something many may support without even knowing it: feminism. I debunk myths, I explain what feminism is and is not, and I share my thoughts and experiences being a woman in this world. If you’re a human, this episode is for Y O U. You decide what to believe and how to live your life.

Happy National Women’s History Month.

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram @the_nativist



Growing Pains: Avoiding the Traps in Optimization and Finding Your Flow in Grow

We’re constantly encouraged to have a growth mindset; to be disciplined; to always strive to improve and to evolve, in virtually every area of life. But can that ever be taken too far? How do you know when it’s become problematic? What can you do to prevent that? Is there ever a time when a growth mindset is not appropriate or beneficial? What is true growth?

In this solo episode, I highlight red flags to be aware of and questions to consider when setting goals and seeking your highest self. I offer a re-definition of your actual highest self, and explore the importance of self-trust. I differentiate between discipline and dogmatism, and propose how to own your routine (rather than it owning you). I explain why rigid rules are common for those with conditions such as ADHD and eating disorders, and what that rigidity indicates. I reveal the reasoning of why I chose The Nativist brand name, and how I feel about it now.

It’s all so simple, yet so complex. C’est la vie.

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram @the_nativist

What Does Self Criticism Do for Us?

Do we need self criticism? Does it help us more than harm us? Is it essential to high performance, achievement, and fulfillment? What if we stopped? Would we become complacent? Come with me as we address these questions, and I ask you some more questions that may (will likely, hopefully!) stop you in your tracks and prompt you to think about things (particularly yourself) differently than you ever have before.

Thanks for coming along.

Find me on Facebook and Instagram: @the_nativist